Showing: 1 - 10 of 16 Articles
Quick and effective number assessment to assess number recognition, number sense, representing and manipulating numbers

Quick and Effective Number Assessment

Need an effective number assessment that could help you effectively plan your numeracy resource groups in Kinder and first grade? Administering a quick number test to all of the children can help you pinpoint specific difficulties. In turn, similar difficulties are grouped together. Numeracy Assessment Test Being able to understand and manipulate numbers – having …

How to Track, Monitor and Improve Desired Student Behaviour

Have that one (or several) students in your class or small group that need explicit instruction and motivation on how to behave? Do they need to consciously think about their actions and see them visually written down in the form of goals? You may need to track and monitor student behaviour to help them improve. …

Creative Christmas Writing

Need to teach story elements and creative writing during Christmas? The holiday season can bring a whole new excitement to writing. Keep teaching the writing process and new holiday vocabulary through Christmas guided writing templates and graphic organizers. Motivate your students with inspirational prompts & ideas for the brainstorming process, help them organize their ideas …